Kamis, 02 November 2017

tugas 1 softskill smstr 7

Name:  Rika Ratna Dewi
Class:   4SA08
Npm: 19614391

Sundanese Cultural Ethos
Sundanese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the archipelago. Ideal Sundanese culture is then often associated as a culture of the Kingdom of Sunda. There are several teachings in Sundanese culture about the path to virtue of life. Sundanese ethos and character is cageur, bageur, singer and clever, which can mean healthy, good, pure, and intelligent. Sundanese culture is also one of the cultures that become a source of wealth for the nation of Indonesia which in its development needs to be preserves. The traditional spiritual belief system of Sunda is Sunda Wiwitanyang teaches the harmony of life with nature. Today, most Sundanese are Muslim, but there are some who are not Muslim, although different but essentially all life is for the good of the universe.
I will research about “sunda, cageur, bageur and sunda wiwitanyang”.
Sunda in Old Javanese, has a clean, holy, unblemished/stained, water, pile, rank, caution. The meaning of the word Sundanese is not only displayed in appearance, but also deepened in the heart. In Indonesia there are several part of province, there are west java such Bandung, Bogor, Garut, etc. And Banten.
Cageur which means healthy reflects a character of healthy society physically and spiritually, but the term “cageur” in Sunda has a deeper philosophy than just “healthy”, “cageur” reflects the character of people who are able to think and act rationally and proportionally based on moral values.

Bageur which means good reflects a character of society that has the characteristics of humanity, uphold noble character towards others. As a Sundanese, I am very familiar with the phrase “silih asih”, which means loving, empathetic, tolerant and sympathetic.
Sunda Wiwitayang is a religion or a belief in the worship of the forces of nature and ancestral spirits (animism and dynamism) adopted by the Sundanese traditional society. But there are some who argue thet the Sunda Religion Wiwitan also has an element of ancient monotheism, which is above the dewatadan hyang in pantheon there is the supreme god almighty supreme power that is not tangible called Sang Hyang Kersa is equated with God Almighty. The teachings of Sunda Wiwitanyang are contained in the SangHyang torture of the karesian cage, a book dating from the Sunda royal period containing religious teahings and moral guidance, rules and character lessons. Based on the information of Kokolot (elders) of Cikeusik village, the Kanekes are not Hindus or Buddhists, but animists, those who worship ancestral spirits. Only its development is this Kanakes belief has been entered by elements of Hindu teachings, and to some extent, the teachings of Islam. In Carita Parahyangan this belief is referred to as the teaching of “ Jatisunda”.

That’s my research about sunda, cageur, bageur, and sunda wiwitanyang.