Senin, 04 Desember 2017

Partly Cloudy

I will tell a cartoon story from the movie Partly Cloudy.
There are many birds in charge to deliver gifts to humans. Gifts include baby, kittens, puppies and others. The birds get the task from the Cloud that is able to create funny creatures like babies, kittens, and puppies. The cloud creates in such a way as to make a work that comes from clay. The birds are very zealously assigned as to where they are like the postman. But there is 1 Cloud that always creates a ferocious creature such as: crocodiles, sheep who like to sway, porcupine, and shark. Because its dark clouds are different from other clouds so I call them clouds dark (like clouds that will rain down). Even if he creates a savage beast, the officer bird never feels jealous of the birds that are assigned to deliver funny creatures. The bird can be told, faithful to his master. Whatever the tasks assigned by his master are always crossed to the destination safely. Then in the next task (at the end of the story) the bird is assigned to drive the shark, while showing his fear the birds leave the dark clouds, dark clouds were shocked, angry and ending sad to see the officer birds left him, he cried so bring rain to earth. But when the dark clouds were crying, the bird officer returned and brought sendin that contained safety equipment for him to work. Like baseball helm and baseball jackets. Dark clouds is happy to see his idea, dark clouds embraced the bird with his cheerful. Then the bird begins its task back to deliver the beast to the earth.

Reading comprehension:
1. Who gets the prizes from the clouds?
2. In the gift, what kind of creature?
3. Mention the content of the creature from the gift.
4. What rewards are very memorable for the inhabitants of the earth?
5. Is there a moral value in the movie partly cloudy? If so, write down the moral values!
6. What colored clouds, which creates a cute creature?
7. What colored clouds, which creates a ferocious creature?
8. What kind of birds are assigned as postmen?
9. Does the dark cloud attendant bird include an unfaithful bird?

10. Does the dark cloud feel so ashamed of its attendant bird, because it has given the task of a ferocious creature?

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